Credit card machine manufacturers make it possible for a merchant to offer his customers the opportunity to swipe their Visa or MasterCard instead of carrying cash on them all the time. A terminal can be installed in any store so that the company can accept payments not only made by cash. A processing transaction will either be successful or rejected; there are many reasons why a rejection can happen, from insufficient funds to a communication failure with the terminal itself.
Should a communication failure occur when you insert or swipe the card, you can just try again, otherwise if the problem persists, contact your credit card machine manufacturers and they will sort it out for you. Some of the worldwide manufacturers include Hypercom, VeriFone, Nurit, LinkPoint, Ingenico, OTI and many more. You can choose a manufacturer that best suits you and your company so that you can ensure you offer your customers a choice when it comes to paying for goods, and to accept payments by MasterCard and Visa, you will be a convenient merchant to use! Depending on which machine you choose to use, you will have to pay a rental fee and pay a small fee every time the machine is used.
When ‘processing transaction’ is read on the screen, it normally takes between ten and fifteen seconds for it to respond. Should it take longer than this, it is likely to come back as declined, and you will have to try again, or ask the customer to pay cash, or provide another card to swipe/insert. Some machines will approve the transaction and print the slips immediately, but that all depends on the machine you have. When it comes to choosing credit card machine manufacturers, you have to research and determine which will be best for the field of work you are in.