FNB credit card solutions are in place to ensure that you use your credit card in a smart way. With changing financial times many people are looking to banks to provide them with loans and solutions so that they can continue living the life they are comfortable with. A credit card provides you with a degree of financial flexibility in a difficult time, and with First National Bank you can apply for yours online.
There is a diverse range of FNB credit card solutions to choose from depending on your needs. FNB offers personal, corporate and commercial business cards which each entail different repayments, and limits. To the average person, a personal credit card would be the only one necessary. Their website allows you to compare products and to assess which ones you qualify for.
The FNB Smart Credit Card is the simplest card to apply for. It does not require a huge amount of earnings, but does require that you are permanently employed and are a South African citizen or permanent resident. The next in the range is the FNB Silver card. It requires you to have earnings of between R80000 per year and R139999. The FNB Gold credit card requires you to have earnings of R140000 to R349999, and provides you with a number of additional benefits. The final option in the range is the FNB Platinum card. To qualify you need to earn an excess of R350000 per year. So your ability to apply for credit depends on your earnings and will also depend on an assessment of your credit history.
Each type of card comes with an incredible budget facility that allows you to make repayments according to your own personalised budget. You can apply online for all cards, making FNB credit card solutions the most convenient way to solve your finance problems.
New Credit Card Products from Fist National Bank
New credit card products from First National Bank have arrived and it means that you can get a credit card depending on how much you earn. If you earn between R36 000 and R99 999 a year, you qualify for a FNB Classic credit card. According to FNB you will save approximately R6914 when you get a credit card through their bank as you get free swipes of your card, you earn eBucks for every R100 spent and you get up to 55 days interest free. There are other benefits such as travel insurance worth R350 on every ticket purchased, free online banking and a whole lot more.
Other new credit card products from First National Bank include the FNB Gold Credit Card which you will qualify for if you earn between R100 000 and R349 999 per annum, the FNB Platinum Credit Card if you earn between R350 000 and R1,1 million per annum, and lastly the FNB Private Client’s Credit Card if you earn over R1,1 million per annum. Each of these credit cards offers great savings to their clients. For example FNB claims that you can save R8528 with the Gold Credit Card, R12 699 with the Platinum Credit Card, and R11 763 with the Private Client’s Credit Card. So if you are looking for great savings at fantastic interest rates, then you really should take a look at what is on offer to you.
And the best thing about all of it is that you can apply for one of these credit cards online at www.fnb.co.za. This informative website additionally provides a detailed breakdown that you can download for each of the different credit card products on offer. So why not take a look at all of the new credit card products from First National Bank.