This Credit Cards Guide website is all about helping you to find the right credit card solution for your needs. With our team of credit experts we aim to offer advice on topics such as how to apply for credit cards online. As well as obtaining credit cards when in debt and responsibly managing … Read More...
About Credit Cards Guide South Africa
Featured Information
Clothing Store Credit Cards
Clothing store credit cards allow you to buy your new outfits. Even if it’s the end of the month and you are counting the pennies. Putting the clothing item on a credit account means you don’t have to wait until your next pay day. What Clothing Stores have Credit Cards? These days most … [Read More...]
No Credit Check Credit Cards for Blacklisted
A no credit check credit card is a card that enables an individual who has a bad credit record or who has been blacklisted to purchase items on credit. In order to obtain one of these credit cards, an individual will not have credit checks performed on them. So this card is good for people who … [Read More...]
Edgars Credit Card
Edgars credit card is a MasterCard so a successful application qualifying for this credit facility will be able to use it as a normal credit card Internationally. Not to mention being able to withdraw cash from your account at millions of ATM cash machines worldwide. An Edgars Credit Card … [Read More...]
Credit For A Poor Financial History – Bad Credit Credit Cards
Who offers bad credit credit cards in South Africa for people with a low score? Even with a poor financial history you can still qualify for a credit card. However it's not always guaranteed. Individuals with low credit scores or blacklisted can still apply for a credit card. As well as other forms … [Read More...]
Online Credit Card Processing for Small Business
Online credit card processing for small business means enabling retail payments through the internet. This makes shopping incredibly efficient and is a good way for a business venture to grow. In South Africa many small businesses either do not offer online credit card processing or they do not … [Read More...]
Credit Cards For Blacklisted People: South Africa
Are you having a hard time getting approved for a credit card because you are blacklisted? You're not alone. Fortunately there are credit cards out there that don't need a credit check. Here's what you need to know. Credit cards for blacklisted people in South Africa are on offer as a … [Read More...]